
Coronet Peak WWTP Upgrade Completed

Apex recently completed a substantial upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant at Coronet Peak ski field for NZ Ski to improve compliance with their wastewater discharge consent. The project involved a number of challenges, including the need to reduce nitrogen levels in a very low-temperature environment, limited access to the plant in winter meaning the plant had to be automated as much as possible, and a defined period over summer in which to complete all site works.

"Installation and commissioning was successfully completed well before peak season and the buffer pond is lower than previous years allowing for more buffer capacity".

The approach taken was to utilise the existing infrastructure as much as possible to not only reduce costs but to minimise construction risks in a difficult environment. Process upgrades included wastewater feed control to smooth out flows into the plant, creation of anoxic and aerations tanks for biological nitrogen removal, a new autocleaning filter and UV reactor for wastewater disinfection, addition of recycle and waste activated sludge systems and a new automation system to control operation of the plant.

The plant is now running smoothly, with results significantly below resource consent limits, with Apex providing 12 months of operational support to NZ Ski through a combination of remote access into the control system and periodic site visits.

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