
Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade at Altitude

Apex has recently been awarded a contract by NZ Ski to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant at the Coronet Peak Ski Field.

The upgrade includes a reconfiguration of the existing treatment process to provide for nitrification/denitrification, the replacement of old mechanical and electrical equipment, the fabrication of a new electrical control system and the installation of a waste sludge storage facility.

Coronet Peak is a commercial ski field, near Queenstown, with spectacular roller coaster terrain making this ski area one of New Zealand's most exciting ski resort destinations.

The project will include a number of unique challenges, such as the plant being located at an altitude of 1,000m, wastewater temperatures being very low, vehicle access to the site only being available outside of the winter months, and wastewater flows needing to be treated or stored during project delivery.

Site visits were completed ahead of the current ski season and site works will commence in December and proceed to a tight schedule to minimize disruptions to the existing plant.

The contract includes performance verification and operation of the system for a period of 12 months from completion.

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