Hollow Fibre Membranes

Hollow fibre membrane bioreactors (HF-MBRs) are a specific type of membrane bioreactor that utilise hollow fibre membranes for the separation of solids and microorganisms from the treated wastewater.

HR-MBRs offer several advantages over other membrane configurations making them a popular choice in various wastewater treatment applications.

Features and Benefits

  • They provide a large surface area for filtration within a compact space.
  • The high surface area enhances the overall filtration capacity of the HF-MBR system.
  • Excellent filtration performance.
  • Reduced membrane fouling.
  • Enhanced solids management.
  • Higher hydraulic retention time.
  • Flexible system design.

Get in touch with us

For more information on Hollow Fibre Membranes send us an enquiry using this form, one of the Apex Water team will be in touch as soon as we can.

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